Themis Examples and Tests

A list of Themis tests to run and Themis examples to follow.


To help get started, we have collected a set of well commented examples, illustrating the various steps in setting up a comparison between models and data. These include importing data, defining and generating model images, running an MCMC sampler to explore the likelihood surface, and performing explicit parameter estimates. These examples can be compiled and run by executing "make examples" in Themis/src. Follow the links below for more information about each example.


As Themis is developed we also create various tests, intended to assess different elements of Themis.

Automatic Easy Tests

The first are a subset of rapid component tests used to ensure that key Themis components continue to operate as expected. These are automatically run periodically at intervals that depend on their importance and difficulty.

Validation tests

The second are a set of validation tests used to ensure that Themis reproduces previously published results. These are integration tests – where the component tests verify parts of Themis, these validation tests ensure that there are no unforseen problems when they are run together. These necessarily take considerably longer to run and are therefore collected primarily as part of the historical record of Themis development. Importantly, all modifications to Themis must avoid changing the operation of these tests, permitting revalidation as required.