riaf_visibility_amplitude.cpp File Reference

Test main file for the RIAF model with visibility amplitude data. More...

#include "data_visibility_amplitude.h"
#include "model_image_sed_fitted_riaf.h"
#include "model_ensemble_averaged_scattered_image.h"
#include "likelihood.h"
#include "sampler_affine_invariant_tempered_MCMC.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
Include dependency graph for riaf_visibility_amplitude.cpp:


int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Detailed Description

Avery E. Broderick, Mansour Karami, Roman Gold, Jorge A. Preciado
April, 2017

Test for the RIAF model including visibility amplidute data only. This example shows how to query the SED-fitted RIAF model (an explicit model_image class), scatter the image and find a model fit to EHT visibility amplitude data using a sampler.

Triangle plot showing the likely parameter values and associated confidence contours.
Trace plot showing the fluctuations in the parameters for each MCMC chain as a function of MCMC step.
Log-likelihoods of the individual chains as a function of MCMC step.