eggbox_mcmc_sampling.cpp File Reference

Example of how to use the Affine invariant parallel tempered MCMC sampling routine. More...

#include "likelihood.h"
#include "sampler_affine_invariant_tempered_MCMC.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
Include dependency graph for eggbox_mcmc_sampling.cpp:


int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Detailed Description

Mansour Karami
May 2017

In Themis, we can use any number of sampling routines to sample the posterior probability distribution function in the parameter space associated with any model. Affine invariant parallel tempered MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) is one such routine. It runs an ensemble of MCMC chains that collectively sample the posterior distribution. It also has the ability to use parallel tempering to facilitate sampling multi-modal distributions. The sampler needs a Themis likelihood object in order to sample the posterior distribution. In the following example we use a five dimensional egg-box likelihood which is a multimodal distribution with 3125 peaks within the prior region.

#include "likelihood.h"
#include <mpi.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Initialize MPI
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int world_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
std::cout << "MPI Initiated - Processor Node: " << world_rank << " executing main." << std::endl;
// Container of base prior class pointers
std::vector<Themis::prior_base*> P;
//Dynamically allocate a prior for each variable and add it to the container
//Here we are using a flat prior for all the parameters and confine them
//to the interval [-2.5*pi, 2.5*pi]
P.push_back(new Themis::prior_linear(-2.5*M_PI, 2.5*M_PI));
P.push_back(new Themis::prior_linear(-2.5*M_PI, 2.5*M_PI));
P.push_back(new Themis::prior_linear(-2.5*M_PI, 2.5*M_PI));
P.push_back(new Themis::prior_linear(-2.5*M_PI, 2.5*M_PI));
P.push_back(new Themis::prior_linear(-2.5*M_PI, 2.5*M_PI));
//Set the variable transformations.
//Here we are using no coordonated transformations on the parameters
std::vector<Themis::transform_base*> T;
T.push_back(new Themis::transform_none());
T.push_back(new Themis::transform_none());
T.push_back(new Themis::transform_none());
T.push_back(new Themis::transform_none());
T.push_back(new Themis::transform_none());
//Set the likelihood functions
std::vector<Themis::likelihood_base*> L;
L.push_back(new Themis::likelihood_eggbox(5.0));
//Set the weights for likelihood functions
std::vector<double> W(1, 1.0);
//Make a likelihood object
Themis::likelihood L_obj(P, T, L, W);
//Making a Themis sampler object. Here the affine invariant tempered
//Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is used. The seed of the random number
//generator is passed to the constructor.
//The means and standard deviations used to initialize the MCMC walkers.
//For each parameter the walkers would be drawn from a gaussian distribution
//with the given mean and standard deviation. This provides the starting point
//for the walkers.
std::vector<double> means, ranges;
// vector to hold the name of variables, if the names are provided it would
// be added as the header to the chain file
std::vector<std::string> var_names;
int Number_of_chains = 100; // Number of walkers at each temperature
int Number_of_temperatures = 5; // Number of temperatures in the parallel tempering
int cpu_per_likelihood = 1; // Number of processes used to evaluate a single likelihood
int Number_of_steps = 8000; // Number of monte carlo steps
int temp_stride = 50; // Number of MCMC steps for communication among neighbouring temperatures
int chi2_stride = 10000; // Frequency of calculating chi squared values
int ckpt_stride = 100; // Frequency of saving checkpoints
// Set the cpu distribution on different parallelization levels
MC_obj.set_cpu_distribution(Number_of_temperatures, Number_of_chains, cpu_per_likelihood);
// Set checkpointing options
MC_obj.set_checkpoint(ckpt_stride, "sampler.ckpt");
// Run the sampler with the given settings
MC_obj.run_sampler(L_obj, Number_of_steps,
temp_stride, chi2_stride, "chain.dat", "lklhd.dat", "chi2.dat",
means, ranges, var_names, false);
// Finalize MPI
return 0;