examples Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for examples:

Files | |
file | astroray_image.cpp |
Test model for astroray image. | |
file | astroray_image_sampler.cpp |
Example demonstrating how to drive the external raditaive transfer code ASTRORAY. | |
file | ch4_crescent.cpp |
file | ch4_crescent_scatter.cpp |
file | crescent_image_comparison_deostan.cpp |
file | eggbox_mcmc_sampling.cpp |
Example of how to use the Affine invariant parallel tempered MCMC sampling routine. | |
file | eggbox_mcmc_sampling_deo.cpp |
file | generate_crescent_image.cpp |
To be added. | |
file | generate_mf_challenge2-model.cpp |
file | generate_movie_orbiting_spot.cpp |
Example illustrating the creation of a orbiting spot movie model. | |
file | generate_movie_shearing_spot.cpp |
Example illustrating the creation of a shearing spot movie model. | |
file | generate_movie_shearing_spot_scattered.cpp |
file | generate_riaf_image.cpp |
Example illustrating the creationg of a RIAF model. | |
file | grtrans_image.cpp |
Test model for grtrans image. | |
file | ipole_image_sampler.cpp |
Example demonstrating how to drive the external radiative transfer code IPOLE. | |
file | multi-gaussian_mc_fe_wg_challenge2.cpp |
Example of fitting a multi-Gaussian image model to visibility amplitude and closure phase data according to the specifications of modeling challenge 2. | |
file | raptor_image_sampler.cpp |
Example demonstrating how to drive the external radiative transfer code RAPTOR. | |
file | reading_data.cpp |
Example of how to read and access common EHT data types. | |
file | riaf_model_fitting.cpp |
Example illustrating the use of the RIAF model. | |
file | scattered_gaussian_fitting.cpp |
Example of fitting a Gaussian image model to visibility amplitude data. | |
file | tutorial_example.cpp |