util Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for util:

Files | |
file | constants.h |
Provides a list of constants (in cgs) to be used throughout Themis. | |
file | gen_tables.py |
file | image_family_error.cpp |
Source file for a utility class that generates an approximation of the systemtic error as measured by the variance among images. | |
file | image_family_error.h |
Header file for a utility class that generates an approximation of the systemtic error as measured by the variance among images. | |
file | interpolator1D.cpp |
Implements a multipurpose linear interpolation function. | |
file | interpolator1D.h |
Header file for a multipurpose linear interpolation function. | |
file | interpolator2D.cpp |
Implements a general purpose 2D interpolator class that implements a variety of interpolation schemes. | |
file | interpolator2D.h |
Header file for a general purpose 2D interpolator class that implements a variety of interpolation schemes. | |
file | quadrature.cpp |
Implements a Gaussian Quadrature integration scheme with Legendre or Hermite polynomial weights. | |
file | quadrature.h |
Header file for a general purpose Gaussian Quadrature class that implements a variety of integration schemes. | |
file | random_number_generator.cpp |
Implements various random number generators using the algorithms in "Numerical Recipes in C" by Flannery, Teukolsky, Press, and Vettering. | |
file | random_number_generator.h |
Header file for various random number generators using the algorithms in "Numerical Recipes in C" by Flannery, Teukolsky, Press, and Vettering. | |
file | stop_watch.cpp |
Header file for a general purpose timer based on the C time function. | |
file | stop_watch.h |
Header file for a general purpose timer based on the C time function. | |
file | utils.cpp |
Implements a variety of utility functions within Themis. | |
file | utils.h |
Header file for a variety of utility functions within Themis. | |