random_number_generator.h File Reference

Header file for various random number generators using the algorithms in "Numerical Recipes in C" by Flannery, Teukolsky, Press, and Vettering. More...

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
Include dependency graph for random_number_generator.h:
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class  RandomNumberGenerator
 Defines an interface for random number generators. More...
class  SystemSuppliedRNG
 A wrapper for the system supplied generator. More...
class  MinimalStandardRNG
 The Park and Miller "Minimal Standard" (a la NR). More...
class  Ran2RNG
 The L'Ecuyer with Bays-Durham shuffle (a la NR) More...
class  GaussianRandomNumberGenerator< T >
 Defines unit variance, zero mean Gaussian random variable template. More...
class  PoissonRandomNumberGenerator< T >
 Defines a random number generator with a Poisson distribution. More...

Detailed Description

Avery E. Broderick
April, 2017

To be added