constants.h File Reference

Provides a list of constants (in cgs) to be used throughout Themis. More...

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 A variety of constants (in cgs) within the namespace Themis::constants to be used throughout Themis.


static const double G = 6.67259e-8
 Newton's constant.
static const double e = 4.8032e-10
 Electron charge in esu.
static const double me = 9.10938188e-28
 Electron mass in g.
static const double mp = 1.6726e-24
 Proton mass in g.
static const double c = 2.99792458e10
 Speed of light in vacuum in cm/s.
static const double h = 6.62606885e-27
 Planck's constant in erg s.
static const double hbar = 1.054571596e-27
 Reduced Planck's constant in erg s.
static const double re = 2.817940285e-13
 Classical electron radius in cm (e^2 / me c^2)
static const double k = 1.3806503e-16
 Boltzmann constant.
static const double sigma = 5.67051e-5
 Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
static const double Msun = 1.98855e33
 Mass of sun in g.
static const double pc = 3.086e18
 Parsec in cm.
static const double AU = 1.495978707e13
 Astronomical unit in cm.

Detailed Description

Avery E. Broderick
April, 2017

To be added