model Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for model:


file  model_circular_binary.cpp
 Implements binary model based on two Gaussians.
file  model_circular_binary.h
 Header file for binary model class.
file  model_closure_amplitude.cpp
 Implements visibility ampitude model class.
file  model_closure_amplitude.h
 Header file for visibility ampitude model class.
file  model_closure_phase.cpp
 Implements closure phase model class.
file  model_closure_phase.h
 Header file for closure phase model class.
file  model_crosshand_visibilities.cpp
 Implements crosshand visibility model class.
file  model_crosshand_visibilities.h
 Header file for crosshand visibilities model class.
file  model_ensemble_averaged_parameterized_scattered_image.cpp
 Header file for ensemble averaged, parameterized scattering interface.
file  model_ensemble_averaged_parameterized_scattered_image.h
 Header file for ensemble averaged parameterized scattering interface.
file  model_ensemble_averaged_scattered_image.cpp
 Header file for ensemble averaged scattering interface.
file  model_ensemble_averaged_scattered_image.h
 Header file for ensemble averaged scattering interface.
file  model_flux.cpp
 Implements flux model class.
file  model_flux.h
 Header file for flux model class.
file  model_galactic_center_diffractive_scattering_screen.cpp
 implementation file for galactic center diffractive scattering interface.
file  model_galactic_center_diffractive_scattering_screen.h
 Header file for diffractive scattering interface.
file  model_image.cpp
 Implements image model class.
file  model_image.h
 Header file for image model class.
file  model_image_adaptive_splined_raster.cpp
 Implements the model_image_splined_raster image class.
file  model_image_adaptive_splined_raster.h
 Header file for the model_image_adaptive_splined_raster image class.
file  model_image_astroray.cpp
 Implements driver to ASTRORAY executable.
file  model_image_astroray.h
 Header file for astroray driver.
file  model_image_asymmetric_gaussian.cpp
 Implements asymmetric Gaussian image class.
file  model_image_asymmetric_gaussian.h
 Header file for the asymmetric Gaussian image class.
file  model_image_crescent.cpp
 Implements Geometric Crescent Model Image class.
file  model_image_crescent.h
 Header file for the Geometric Crescent Model Image class.
file  model_image_gaussian.cpp
 Implements the asymmetric Gaussian image class.
file  model_image_gaussian.h
 Header file for the Gaussian image class.
file  model_image_general_riaf.cpp
 Implements the RIAF image model class.
file  model_image_general_riaf.h
 Header file for the extended RIAF image model class with mass scaling.
file  model_image_general_riaf_shearing_spot.cpp
 Implements Shearing spot image class.
file  model_image_general_riaf_shearing_spot.h
 Header file for the shearing spot model class.
file  model_image_grtrans.cpp
 Implements driver to GRTRANS executable.
file  model_image_grtrans.h
 Header file for grtrans driver.
file  model_image_ipole.cpp
 Implements driver to IPOLE executable.
file  model_image_ipole.h
 Header file for ipole driver.
file  model_image_multi_asymmetric_gaussian.cpp
 Implements the multi-Asymmetric Gaussian image class originally motivated by model fitting challenge 3 within the MCFE WG.
file  model_image_multi_asymmetric_gaussian.h
 Header file for the Multi-Asymmetric Gaussian image class originally motivated by the model fitting challenge 3 in the MCFE WG.
file  model_image_multigaussian.cpp
 Implements the multi-Gaussian image class originally motivated by model fitting challenge 2 within the MCFE WG.
file  model_image_multigaussian.h
 Header file for the Multi-Gaussian image class originally motivated by the model fitting challenge 2 in the MCFE WG.
file  model_image_orbiting_spot.cpp
 Implements Shearing spot image class.
file  model_image_orbiting_spot.h
 Header file for the shearing spot model class.
file  model_image_polynomial_variable.cpp
 Implements the model_image_polynomial_variable class, which generates a variable model by permitting model parameters to vary with time. All parameters are constrained to vary as polynomial functions of time, though the order of each may differ. A reference time may be set.
file  model_image_polynomial_variable.h
 Header file for the model_image_polynomial_variable class, which generates a variable model by permitting model parameters to vary with time. All parameters are constrained to vary as polynomial functions of time, though the order of each may differ. A reference time may be set.
file  model_image_raptor.cpp
 Implements driver to RAPTOR executable.
file  model_image_raptor.h
file  model_image_raster.cpp
 Implements the model_image_raster image class.
file  model_image_raster.h
 Header file for the model_image_raster image class.
file  model_image_refractive_scattering.cpp
 implementation file for refractive scattering interface.
file  model_image_refractive_scattering.h
 Header file for refractive scattering interface.
file  model_image_riaf.cpp
 Implements the RIAF image model class.
file  model_image_riaf.h
 Header file for the extended RIAF image model class.
file  model_image_ring.cpp
 Implements a Ring Model Image class.
file  model_image_ring.h
 Header file for the Geometric Ring Model Image class.
file  model_image_score.cpp
 Implements SED-fitted RIAF model class.
file  model_image_score.h
 Header file for score model class.
file  model_image_sed_fitted_riaf.cpp
 test model_image_score clas by mcmc runs with gain calibration
file  model_image_sed_fitted_riaf.h
 Header file for SED-fitted RIAF model class.
file  model_image_sed_fitted_riaf_intensity.cpp
 Implements SED-fitted RIAF model class.
file  model_image_sed_fitted_riaf_intensity.h
 Header file for SED-fitted RIAF model class.
file  model_image_sed_fitted_riaf_johannsen.cpp
 Implements SED-fitted RIAF model class with Johannsen metric.
file  model_image_sed_fitted_riaf_johannsen.h
 Header file for SED-fitted RIAF model class with Johannsen metric.
file  model_image_shearing_spot.cpp
 Implements Shearing spot image class.
file  model_image_shearing_spot.h
 Header file for the shearing spot model class.
file  model_image_shearing_spot_johannsen.cpp
 Implements Shearing spot image class.
file  model_image_shearing_spot_johannsen.h
 Header file for the shearing spot model class.
file  model_image_slashed_ring.cpp
 Implements Slashed Ring Model Image class.
file  model_image_slashed_ring.h
 Header file for the Geometric Slashed Ring Model Image class.
file  model_image_smooth.cpp
 Header file for ensemble averaged, parameterized scattering interface.
file  model_image_smooth.h
 Header file for model_image_smooth.
file  model_image_splined_raster.cpp
 Implements the model_image_splined_raster image class.
file  model_image_splined_raster.h
 Header file for the model_image_splined_raster image class.
file  model_image_sum.cpp
 Implements the model_image_sum class, which sums different model images, generating a convenient way to create multi-component image models from single image components.
file  model_image_sum.h
 Header file for the model_image_sum class, which sums different model images, generating a convenient way to create multi-component image models from single image components.
file  model_image_symmetric_gaussian.cpp
 Implements symmetric Gaussian image class.
file  model_image_symmetric_gaussian.h
 Header file for the symmetric Gaussian image class.
file  model_image_upsample.cpp
 Implements the model_image_upsample image class.
file  model_image_upsample.h
 Header file for the model_image_upsample image class.
file  model_image_vrt2_pmap.cpp
 Implements the asymmetric model_image_vrt2_pmap image class.
file  model_image_vrt2_pmap.h
 Header file for the model_image_vrt2_pmap image class.
file  model_image_xsring.cpp
 Implements Slashed Ring Model Image class.
file  model_image_xsring.h
 Header file for the Geometric Slashed Ring Model Image class.
file  model_image_xsringauss.cpp
 Implements the geometric nine-parameter eccentric slashed ring (xsringauss) model image class.
file  model_image_xsringauss.h
 Header file for the geometric nine-parameter eccentric slashed ring (xsringauss) model image class.
file  model_movie.h
 Header file for the model movie class.
file  model_movie_general_riaf_shearing_spot.cpp
 Implements extended shearing spot movie class.
file  model_movie_general_riaf_shearing_spot.h
 Header file for creating a movie object for shearing spot based on model_image_shearing_spot.
file  model_movie_orbiting_spot.cpp
 Implements orbiting spot movie class.
file  model_movie_orbiting_spot.h
 Header file for creating a movie object for orbiting spot based on model_image_orbiting_spot and Broderick & Loeb 2006.
file  model_movie_refractive_scattering.h
 Header file for refractively scattering a model_movie using model_image_refractive_scattering.
file  model_movie_shearing_spot.cpp
 Implements extended shearing spot movie class.
file  model_movie_shearing_spot.h
 Header file for creating a movie object for shearing spot based on model_image_shearing_spot.
file  model_movie_shearing_spot_johannsen.cpp
 Implements extended shearing spot movie class.
file  model_movie_shearing_spot_johannsen.h
 Header file for creating a movie object for shearing spot based on model_image_shearing_spot_johannsen.
file  model_polarization_fraction.cpp
 Implements fractional polarization model class.
file  model_polarization_fraction.h
file  model_polarized_image.cpp
 Implements polarized image model class.
file  model_polarized_image.h
 Header file for polarized image model class.
file  model_polarized_image_adaptive_splined_raster.cpp
 Implements the model_polarized_image_splined_raster image class.
file  model_polarized_image_adaptive_splined_raster.h
 Header file for the model_polarized_image_adaptive_splined_raster image class.
file  model_polarized_image_constant_polarization.cpp
 Header file for a polarized image model class with a constant polarization applied to a model image.
file  model_polarized_image_constant_polarization.h
 Header file for a polarized image model class with a constant polarization applied to a model image.
file  model_polarized_image_sum.cpp
 Implements the model_polarized_image_sum class, which sums different model images, generating a convenient way to create multi-component image models from single image components.
file  model_polarized_image_sum.h
 Header file for the model_polarized_image_sum class, which sums different model polarized images, generating a convenient way to create multi-component image models from single image components.
file  model_riaf.cpp
 Implements extended RIAF image+flux model class.
file  model_riaf.h
 Header file for extended RIAF image+flux model class.
file  model_riaf_wrapper.cpp
 Implements extended RIAF image+flux model wrapper class.
file  model_riaf_wrapper.h
 Header file for extended RIAF image+flux model wrapper class.
file  model_ring.cpp
 Implements a ring model class.
file  model_ring.h
 Header file for the ring model class.
file  model_symmetric_gaussian.cpp
file  model_symmetric_gaussian.h
 Header file for symmetric Gaussian image class.
file  model_visibility.cpp
 Implements visibility model class.
file  model_visibility.h
 Header file for visibility model class.
file  model_visibility_amplitude.cpp
 Implements visibility ampitude model class.
file  model_visibility_amplitude.h
 Header file for visibility ampitude model class.
file  model_visibility_galactic_center_diffractive_scattering_screen.cpp
 implementation file for galactic center diffractive scattering interface.
file  model_visibility_galactic_center_diffractive_scattering_screen.h
 Header file for diffractive scattering interface.
file  model_vrt2_library.cpp
 Implements the asymmetric model_vrt2_library image class.
file  model_vrt2_library.h
 Header file for the model_image_vrt2_library image class.