model_riaf_wrapper.h File Reference

Header file for extended RIAF image+flux model wrapper class. More...

#include "model_image_riaf.h"
#include "model_visibility_amplitude.h"
#include "model_closure_phase.h"
#include "model_closure_amplitude.h"
#include "model_flux.h"
#include "model_riaf.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <mpi.h>
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class  model_riaf_wrapper
 Defines an image and flux model based on the RIAF models employed in Broderick, Fish, Doeleman and Loeb (2011) and Broderick et al. (2016), permitting greater freedom to modify the underlying semi-analytic accretion flow structure. More...

Detailed Description

Mansour Karami
February, 2018

To be added