sampler_deo_tempering_MCMC< S > Class Template Reference

Parallel tempered Markov Chain Monte Carlo using DEO swapping scheme. More...

#include "sampling/sampler_deo_tempering_MCMC.h"

Inheritance diagram for sampler_deo_tempering_MCMC< S >:
Collaboration diagram for sampler_deo_tempering_MCMC< S >:

Public Member Functions

 sampler_deo_tempering_MCMC (int seed, likelihood_power_tempered &L, std::vector< std::string > var_names, size_t dimension)
 Class constructor, takes a reference to the exploration kernel to be used.
void set_initial_location (std::vector< double > initial_parameters)
void run_sampler (int number_of_rounds, int thin, int refresh, int verbosity=0)
 Runs DEO using where you specify the starting run length and adaption parameters. After each round each number if increased by the geometric increase factor specified in set_annealing_schedule. More...
S * get_sampler ()
 Provides access to the exploration sampler so that you can change options for it. Returns a pointer to the sampler.
int get_round () const
 Returns the current round of the sampler.
void set_output_stream (std::string chain_file, std::string state_file, std::string sampler_file, int output_precision=8)
 Sets the output streams for the sampler. This is the same function as for sampler_MCMC_base. More...
void set_deo_round_params (int initial_length, int swap_stride)
 Sets the annealing schedule to be used. More...
void set_annealing_schedule (double initial_spacing, int geometric_increase=2)
void set_annealing_output (std::string annealing_file, std::string annealing_summary_file="")
 Sets the annealing file and summary file names. If using the default for the annealing_summary_file the output will be the annealing_file+".summary".
void set_cpu_distribution (int num_temperatures, int num_exploration)
 Sets the distribution for the cpu. More...
void read_initial_ladder (std::string annealing_file)
 Reads in an annealing.dat file and set the initial ladder for the sampler to the ladder from the final round in the annealing file. More...
void mpi_cleanup ()
 Cleans up the MPI instances of the sampler to gracefully exit;.
void get_chain_state (std::vector< double > &chain, std::vector< double > &state)
void set_chain_state (std::vector< double > chain, std::vector< double > state)
std::vector< double > find_best_fit (std::string chain_file, std::string state_file) const
 Finds the best fit within provided chain file and returns it. More...
std::vector< double > find_best_fit () const
 Finds the best fit from the chain and state file saved in set_output_stream. More...
void write_checkpoint (std::string file)
void write_checkpoint (std::ostream &file)
void read_checkpoint (std::istream &ckpt_in)
 Loads the ckpt from a stream. This will set the sampler to the state given in the ckpt. More...
void read_checkpoint (std::string ckpt_file)
 Reads the checkpoint file and restores the sampler to that state. More...
void set_checkpoint (int ckpt_stride, std::string ckpt_file)
double estimate_bayesian_evidence (double avg_lklhd[], double beta[])
 Function to estimate the bayesian evidence using the Thermodynamic Integration method. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sampler_MCMC_base
 sampler_MCMC_base (int seed, likelihood &L, std::vector< std::string > var_names, size_t dimension)
void set_checkpoint (int ckpt_stride, std::string ckpt_file)
 Sets the checkpoint/restart functionality. More...
virtual void reset_sampler_step ()
void reset_likelihood_sum ()
double get_likelihood_sum ()
virtual double get_rand ()
virtual void reset_rng_seed (int seed)
void set_mpi_communicator (MPI_Comm comm)
 Sets the MPI_Comm to be used for the likelihood evaluation. More...
void close_streams ()
 Helper function that closes the streams from a sampler.

Private Member Functions

void initialize_mpi ()
void initialize_ladder ()
double update_annealing_params ()
double find_beta (Interpolator1D &fLambda, int k, double Lambda, double eps=1e-12, int MAX_ITR=1e8)
void write_annealing_headers ()
void run_deo_round (int round, int nlength, int thin, int refresh, int verbosity, bool &even_swap, double avg_lklhd[])
void generate_transitions (int niterations, int start, int finish, int thin, int refresh, int verbosity)
void deo_swap (const bool even_swap, const int round, const int swap)
double finish_deo_round (int rank, int round, double avg_lklhd[])
void write_state ()

Private Attributes

int _b
double _initial_spacing
int _TNum
int _E_Num
int _ckpt_stride_deo
bool _default_cpu_distribution
bool _no_initial_ladder
bool _write_all
std::vector< double > _initial
int _current_round
int _swap_stride
int _current_length
bool _restart
std::vector< double > _beta
std::vector< double > _R
int T_size
int T_rank
int E_size
int E_rank
MPI_Status Stat
MPI_Status Stat2
MPI_Request Req
MPI_Request Req2
std::string _old_annealing_file
std::string _anneal_file
std::string _anneal_summary_file
std::ofstream _anneal_out
std::ofstream _anneal_summary_out

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from sampler_MCMC_base
virtual void write_chain_header ()
virtual void write_state_header ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from sampler_MCMC_base
int _seed
Ran2RNG _rng
std::vector< std::string > _var_names
size_t _dimension
size_t _step_count
std::string _chain_file
std::string _state_file
std::string _sampler_file
std::string _ckpt_file
std::ofstream _chain_out
std::ofstream _state_out
std::ofstream _sampler_out
int _output_precision
int _ckpt_stride
double _sum_lklhd
MPI_Comm _comm
int _rank

Detailed Description

template<class S>
class Themis::sampler_deo_tempering_MCMC< S >

Runs a parallel tempered mcmc chain using a exploration kernel based on the sampler_exploration_mcmc_base class. This uses the parallel tempering scheme from Syed et al. (2020), which is based on the deterministic even-odd swapping scheme, which is a non-reversible markov chain. For more information on the tempering please see Syed 2020).

Member Function Documentation

double estimate_bayesian_evidence ( double  avg_lklhd[],
double  beta[] 
avg_lklhd[]Vector of likelihood expectations to compute the evidence, using trapezoid rule.
beta[]Temperatures of a run.
Currently does not work! TODO.
std::vector<double> find_best_fit ( std::string  chain_file,
std::string  state_file 
) const
chain_fileThe file name of the chain.
state_fileThe file name of the saved state.
if no chain_file or state_file is provided it will just read in the one that was saved using set_output_stream. This also assumes that the first element of the state vector is the log-likelihood value.

Reimplemented from sampler_MCMC_base.

std::vector<double> find_best_fit ( ) const
Only run this after calling run sampler.

Reimplemented from sampler_MCMC_base.

void read_checkpoint ( std::istream &  ckpt_in)
ckpt_inA reference to the input stream.

Implements sampler_MCMC_base.

void read_checkpoint ( std::string  ckpt_file)
ckpt_fileThe file name of the checkpoint file.

Reimplemented from sampler_MCMC_base.

void read_initial_ladder ( std::string  annealing_file)
annealing_fileis the file containing the annealing information for the run. Namely the round, ladder, and rejection rates.
void run_sampler ( int  number_of_rounds,
int  thin,
int  refresh,
int  verbosity = 0 
number_of_roundsHow many rounds you want to run the sampler for. You can run this many times to build up rounds.
thinThe thinning rate of the chain. Every thin'd step will be saved.
refreshHow often cout is updated. If < 0 it is never updated.
verbosityIf 1 it will save the chain information for all tempering levels.
The total number of samples will be given by start_samples*swap_stride.

Implements sampler_MCMC_base.

void set_annealing_schedule ( double  initial_spacing,
int  geometric_increase = 2 
initial_spacingThe initial geometric spacing for the ladder. That is, the inverse temperature for the ith rung will be given by 1.0/geometric_increase^i.
geometric_increaseThe geometric increase for the number of steps to be used for each round. This should almost always be 2.
void set_cpu_distribution ( int  num_temperatures,
int  num_exploration 
num_temperaturesThe number of temperatures for the sampler.
num_explorationThe number of processors to send each exploration sampler.
If this isn't called we use the default distribution which set num_temperatures equal to the number of MPI instances, and num_exploration to 1.
void set_deo_round_params ( int  initial_length,
int  swap_stride 
initial_lengthThe number of swaps to do in the first round..
swap_strideThe number of steps to take before we swap temperatures. Typically this should be at least 5.
The default is 10 swaps initially and a swap stride of 25. This is probably too short.
void set_output_stream ( std::string  chain_file,
std::string  state_file,
std::string  sampler_file,
int  output_precision = 8 
For DEO every chain,state,sampler file will be prefixed with roundXXX_ to denote which deo round it is on.

Reimplemented from sampler_MCMC_base.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: