Imaging Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Imaging:


file  imrec.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis.
file  imrecad_complex_deo.cpp
file  imrecad_complex_deostan.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis with complex visibilities.
file  imrecad_complex_hilo.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis with complex visibilities.
file  imrecad_complex_nuts_dense.cpp
file  imrecad_complex_nuts_diag.cpp
file  imrecad_complex_single.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis with complex visibilities.
file  imrecad_complex_single_deostan.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis with complex visibilities.
file  imrecad_complex_single_deostan_v3.cpp
file  imrecad_complex_slice.cpp
file  imrecad_crosshands_deostan.cpp
 Generic driver for polarized image reconstruction with Themis with full crosshand visibilities that uses DEO and the Stan NUTS drivers.
file  imrecad_crosshands_hilo.cpp
 Generic driver for polarized image reconstruction with Themis with full crosshand visibilities.
file  imrecad_crosshands_nuts_dense.cpp
file  imrecad_crosshands_nuts_diag.cpp
file  imrecad_crosshands_slice.cpp
file  imrecad_hilo.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis.
file  imrecad_hilo_diffevol.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis.
file  imrecad_hilo_noopt.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis.
file  imrecup.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis that upsamples image.
file  imrecup_hilo.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis that upsamples image.
file  imrecup_scatt_hilo.cpp
 Generic driver for image reconstruction with Themis that upsamples image.