sampler_stan_adapt_diag_e_nuts_MCMC Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for sampler_stan_adapt_diag_e_nuts_MCMC:
Collaboration diagram for sampler_stan_adapt_diag_e_nuts_MCMC:

Public Member Functions

 sampler_stan_adapt_diag_e_nuts_MCMC (int seed, likelihood &L, std::vector< std::string > var_names, size_t dimension)
void set_initial_location (std::vector< double > initial_parameters)
void run_sampler (int nsteps, int thin, int refresh, int verbosity=1)
void set_adaptation_parameters (int num_adapt, bool save_adapt)
 sets the adaption stuff with the applicable window stuff for stan. More...
void set_stepsize (double step_size)
void set_max_depth (int max_depth)
void set_delta (double delta)
void set_gamma (double gamma)
 Sets the adaptation regularization scale which must be greater than zero [default is 0.05].
void set_kappa (double kappa)
void set_t0 (double t0)
void set_window_parameters (unsigned int init_buffer, unsigned int term_buffer, unsigned int window)
 Sets the window parameters for STAN, these rarely need to be changed.
void set_initial_inverse_metric (std::vector< double > inverse_metric)
 Sets the initial metric diagonal, default is vector will with ones, i.e. identity matrix.
void get_chain_state (std::vector< double > &parameters, std::vector< double > &sample_state)
void set_chain_state (std::vector< double > model_values, std::vector< double > state_values)
void write_checkpoint (std::ostream &)
void read_checkpoint (std::string ckpt_file)
 Restarts the sampler from the state specified in the ckpt_file. More...
void read_checkpoint (std::istream &ckpt_in)
virtual double get_rand ()
virtual void reset_rng_seed (int seed)
- Public Member Functions inherited from sampler_MCMC_base
 sampler_MCMC_base (int seed, likelihood &L, std::vector< std::string > var_names, size_t dimension)
virtual void set_output_stream (std::string chain_name, std::string state_name, std::string sampler_name, int output_precision=8)
 Sets the output names for the chains and sampler states. This must be implemented in any classes inheriting sampler_exploration_mcmc_base. More...
virtual std::vector< double > find_best_fit (std::string chain_file, std::string state_file) const
 Finds the best fit within provided chain file and returns it. More...
virtual std::vector< double > find_best_fit () const
 Finds the best fit from the chain and state file saved in set_output_stream. More...
void set_checkpoint (int ckpt_stride, std::string ckpt_file)
 Sets the checkpoint/restart functionality. More...
virtual void reset_sampler_step ()
void reset_likelihood_sum ()
double get_likelihood_sum ()
void set_mpi_communicator (MPI_Comm comm)
 Sets the MPI_Comm to be used for the likelihood evaluation. More...
void close_streams ()
 Helper function that closes the streams from a sampler.

Private Member Functions

void write_state ()
void write_chain_header ()
void write_state_header ()
void write_sampler_header ()
void generate_transition (int step, int start, int finish, int nthin, int refresh, bool adaptation, bool save, int verbosity)

Private Attributes

themistan_model _stan_model
boost::ecuyer1988 _stan_rng
stan::mcmc::adapt_diag_e_nuts< themistan_model, boost::ecuyer1988 > _stan_sampler
unsigned int _init_buffer
unsigned int _term_buffer
unsigned int _window
std::vector< double > _inverse_metric
std::vector< double > _initial
stan::mcmc::sample _current_sample
stan::callbacks::stream_logger _logger
bool _adaptation
bool _save_adaptation
int _nadapt
int _start_step
 restart flag.
bool _restart

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from sampler_MCMC_base
int _seed
Ran2RNG _rng
std::vector< std::string > _var_names
size_t _dimension
size_t _step_count
std::string _chain_file
std::string _state_file
std::string _sampler_file
std::string _ckpt_file
std::ofstream _chain_out
std::ofstream _state_out
std::ofstream _sampler_out
int _output_precision
int _ckpt_stride
double _sum_lklhd
MPI_Comm _comm
int _rank

Member Function Documentation

void read_checkpoint ( std::string  ckpt_file)
ckpt_fileThe file where the checkpoint information was saved.

Reimplemented from sampler_MCMC_base.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void set_adaptation_parameters ( int  num_adapt,
bool  save_adapt 
num_warmupThe number of adaptation steps to take. Default is 1000.
save_adaptWhether to save the adaptation steps.
Be aggressive with adaptation. If HMC is poorly tuned the performance tanks.
void set_delta ( double  delta)

Sets the target acceptance rate for nuts [default of 0.8 which is the theoretical optimal result in high dim]

void set_kappa ( double  kappa)

Sets the adaptation relaxation scale which must be greater than zero because it should damp. [default is 0.75]

void set_max_depth ( int  max_depth)

Sets the max tree depth (max number of leapfrog steps is 2^tree_depth) for the sampler [default 10]

void set_stepsize ( double  step_size)

Set the initial step size for the hmc algorithm. [default is 0.1]

void set_t0 ( double  t0)

Sets the adaptation iteration offset, which must be greater than 0 [default is 10]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: