sampler_automated_factor_slice_sampler_MCMC Class Reference

Defines the interface to an automated factor slice sampler, which isn't as efficient as Stan in terms of ESS per iteration, but doesn't require gradients and tends to do better than an adaptive MH algorithm. Additionally it hardly uses any tuning parameters.

#include "sampling/sampler_automated_factor_slice_sampler_MCMC.h"

Inheritance diagram for sampler_automated_factor_slice_sampler_MCMC:
Collaboration diagram for sampler_automated_factor_slice_sampler_MCMC:

Public Member Functions

 sampler_automated_factor_slice_sampler_MCMC (int seed, likelihood &L, std::vector< std::string > var_names, size_t dimension)
void set_initial_location (std::vector< double > initial)
 Sets the starting location for the sampler. More...
void run_sampler (int nsteps, int thin, int refresh, int verbosity=1)
void set_adaptation_parameters (int num_warmup, bool save_adapt)
 sets the adaption interval for the slice sampler. This will adapt the directions of the slices and the windowing procedure for the problem. This is important for performance. More...
void set_intial_widths (std::vector< double > intitial_width)
 Sets the initial widths to be used for slices. More...
void set_window_parameters (int init_buffer, int window)
 Sets the window parameters for the adaptation. This is inspired by stan. The initial window will be solely for building the initial covariance estimate and finding some reasonable initial widths for the slices. Window then says how long the initial covariance adaptation round will last. We then increase by factors of 2 until we have exhausted the adaptation stage of the sampler. More...
void set_initial_covariance (Eigen::MatrixXd covariance)
 Sets the initial covariance matrix for the slice sampler. This will then be diagonalized to find the principal directions. More...
void get_chain_state (std::vector< double > &parameters, std::vector< double > &sample_state)
void set_chain_state (std::vector< double > model_values, std::vector< double > state_values)
void write_checkpoint (std::ostream &)
void read_checkpoint (std::string ckpt_file)
 Restarts the sampler from the state specified in the ckpt_file. More...
void read_checkpoint (std::istream &ckpt_in)
void reset_sampler_step ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from sampler_MCMC_base
 sampler_MCMC_base (int seed, likelihood &L, std::vector< std::string > var_names, size_t dimension)
virtual void set_output_stream (std::string chain_name, std::string state_name, std::string sampler_name, int output_precision=8)
 Sets the output names for the chains and sampler states. This must be implemented in any classes inheriting sampler_exploration_mcmc_base. More...
virtual std::vector< double > find_best_fit (std::string chain_file, std::string state_file) const
 Finds the best fit within provided chain file and returns it. More...
virtual std::vector< double > find_best_fit () const
 Finds the best fit from the chain and state file saved in set_output_stream. More...
void set_checkpoint (int ckpt_stride, std::string ckpt_file)
 Sets the checkpoint/restart functionality. More...
void reset_likelihood_sum ()
double get_likelihood_sum ()
virtual double get_rand ()
virtual void reset_rng_seed (int seed)
void set_mpi_communicator (MPI_Comm comm)
 Sets the MPI_Comm to be used for the likelihood evaluation. More...
void close_streams ()
 Helper function that closes the streams from a sampler.

Private Member Functions

void write_state ()
void write_chain_header ()
void write_state_header ()
void write_sampler_header ()
double loglklhd_transform (std::vector< double > cont_params)
void generate_transition (int step, int start, int finish, int nthin, int refresh, bool save, int verbosity)
void factor_slice_sample (const int k, const double h)
void ray_position (int k, double t, std::vector< double > &ray)
int step_out (const int k, double logh, std::vector< double > &lower_ray, std::vector< double > &upper_ray, double &tmin, double &tmax)
void shrink (int k, std::vector< double > &lower_ray, std::vector< double > &upper_ray, double t)
void update_covariance (std::vector< double > sample)
void set_adaptation_schedule ()
double factor_adapt ()
void width_adapt ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< double > _current_parameters
std::vector< double > _current_state
bool _adaptation
bool _save_adaptation
int _nadapt
int _start_step
double _width_tol
double _cov_tol
int _width_adapt_stride
int _cov_adapt_stride
int _adapt_width_count
int _adapt_cov_count
int _number_slow_adapt
 restart flag.
bool _restart
Eigen::MatrixXd _Gammak
Eigen::MatrixXd _covariance
Eigen::VectorXd _Dk
Eigen::VectorXd _mean
std::vector< double > _initial_width
std::vector< int > _nexpansion
std::vector< int > _ncontraction
std::vector< bool > _width_adapt
int _init_buffer
int _window
std::vector< double > _lbound
std::vector< double > _ubound
std::vector< Themis::transform_base * > _transforms

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from sampler_MCMC_base
int _seed
Ran2RNG _rng
std::vector< std::string > _var_names
size_t _dimension
size_t _step_count
std::string _chain_file
std::string _state_file
std::string _sampler_file
std::string _ckpt_file
std::ofstream _chain_out
std::ofstream _state_out
std::ofstream _sampler_out
int _output_precision
int _ckpt_stride
double _sum_lklhd
MPI_Comm _comm
int _rank

Member Function Documentation

void read_checkpoint ( std::string  ckpt_file)
ckpt_fileThe file where the checkpoint information was saved.

Reimplemented from sampler_MCMC_base.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void set_adaptation_parameters ( int  num_warmup,
bool  save_adapt 
num_warmupThe number of adaptation steps to take. Default is 10,000.
save_adaptWhether to save the adaptation steps.
Be aggressive with adaptation.
void set_initial_covariance ( Eigen::MatrixXd  covariance)
covariance.The covariance matrix for the problem.
void set_initial_location ( std::vector< double >  initial)
initial_parametersThe initial location of the sampler. This must be set before calling run_sampler.

Implements sampler_MCMC_base.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void set_intial_widths ( std::vector< double >  intitial_width)
intitial_widthThe initial widths of the slices to be used.
If you aren't sure what these should be make them too big. It is cheaper to shrink a slice than to expand it.
void set_window_parameters ( int  init_buffer,
int  window 
at the the end of this we will have nadapt steps.
init_bufferThe initial length to adapt the slices.
windowThe initial length of the covariance adaptation.

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