Powell scheme optimizer for likelihoods. More...

#include "optimizing/optimizer_powell.h"

Collaboration diagram for optimizer_powell:

Public Member Functions

 optimizer_powell (int seed)
 Class constructor, accepts the integer seed for a random number generator as an argument.
std::vector< double > run_optimizer (likelihood &L, std::string optimizer_results_filename="Opt.dat", size_t number_of_instances=0, size_t number_of_restarts=1, double tolerance=1e-15)
 Function to run the optimizer, takes a likelihood object, vector of priors, name of an optimizer output file, and tuning parameters for the optimizer. More...
std::vector< double > run_optimizer (likelihood &L, std::vector< double > start_parameter_values, std::string optimizer_results_filename="Opt.dat", size_t number_of_instances=0, size_t number_of_restarts=1, double tolerance=1e-15)
 Function to run the optimizer, takes a likelihood object, vector of priors, name of an optimizer output file, and tuning parameters for the optimizer. More...
std::vector< double > run_optimizer (likelihood &L, std::vector< std::vector< double > > start_parameter_values, std::string optimizer_results_filename="Opt.dat", size_t number_of_restarts=1, double tolerance=1e-15)
 Function to run the optimizer, takes a likelihood object, vector of priors, name of an optimizer output file, and tuning parameters for the optimizer. More...
void set_cpu_distribution (int num_likelihood)
 Function to set the distribution of processors in different layers of parallelization. More...

Private Member Functions

std::vector< double > generate_start_point (likelihood &L)
 Function to generate a random starting point given the bounds on the prior. Assumes an arctan distribution if both bounds on the prior are infinity, an exponential distribution if the bound on one side is infinity, and a uniform distribution if both bounds are finite. More...
double get_optimal_point (std::vector< double > &pvec, double tolerance)
 Function to ncapsulate the process of optimization. Returns the maximized likelihood and resets pvec to the optimal position. More...
double func (double p[])
double f1dim (double x)
void powell (double p[], double **xi, double ftol, int &iter, double &fret)
void linmin (double p[], double xi[], double &fret)
double brent (double ax, double bx, double cx, double tol, double &xmin)
void mnbrak (double *ax, double *bx, double *cx, double *fa, double *fb, double *fc)

Private Attributes

size_t _ndim
int _num_likelihood
Ran2RNG _rng
double * _pcom
double * _xicom

Detailed Description

Maximizes a given likelihood using the powell method as described in Numerical Recipes in C (1992; Press, Teukoslky, Vetterling and Flannery). An attempt to generate a global maximum is made by starting many powelles at random/specified locations. The maximum allowed iteratitons is set to 200.


Member Function Documentation

std::vector< double > generate_start_point ( likelihood L)
Pvector of pointers to priors.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double get_optimal_point ( std::vector< double > &  pvec,
double  tolerance 
pvecvector of start parameter position, reset to the optimal point.
Pvector of pointers to priors.
tolerancenumerical tolerance at which to terminate maximization.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::vector< double > run_optimizer ( likelihood L,
std::string  optimizer_results_filename = "Opt.dat",
size_t  number_of_instances = 0,
size_t  number_of_restarts = 1,
double  tolerance = 1e-15 
LAn object of class likelihood.
PA vector of pointers to priors.
optimizer_results_filenameName of file to which to write summary data. Default is Opt.dat.
number_of_instancesNumber of independent realizations of the optimizer to run. When set to 0 will run the maximum allowed by the number of processes being used. Default is 0.
number_of_restartsThe number of times to restart each optimizer realization from the best point. Default 2.
toleranceConvergence tolerance. Default 1e-15.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::vector< double > run_optimizer ( likelihood L,
std::vector< double >  start_parameter_values,
std::string  optimizer_results_filename = "Opt.dat",
size_t  number_of_instances = 0,
size_t  number_of_restarts = 1,
double  tolerance = 1e-15 
LAn object of class likelihood.
PA vector of pointers to priors.
start_parameter_valuesA vector of a single start point that we want to initialize a powell around.
optimizer_results_filenameName of file to which to write summary data. Default is Opt.dat.
number_of_instancesNumber of independent realizations of the optimizer to run. When set to 0 will run the maximum allowed by the number of processes being used. Default is 0.
number_of_restartsThe number of times to restart each optimizer realization from the best point. Default 2.
toleranceConvergence tolerance. Default 1e-15.

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::vector< double > run_optimizer ( likelihood L,
std::vector< std::vector< double > >  start_parameter_values,
std::string  optimizer_results_filename = "Opt.dat",
size_t  number_of_restarts = 1,
double  tolerance = 1e-15 
LAn object of class likelihood.
PA vector of pointers to priors.
start_parameter_valuesA vector of start points at which to initialize every powell around. Note that this sets the number of instances explicitly.
optimizer_results_filenameName of file to which to write summary data. Default is Opt.dat.
number_of_restartsThe number of times to restart each optimizer realization from the best point. Default 2.
toleranceConvergence tolerance. Default 1e-15.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void set_cpu_distribution ( int  num_likelihood)
num_likelihoodnumber of threads allocated for each likelihood calculation.

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