Defines a struct containing individual fluxes and ancillary information. More...

#include "data/data_flux.h"

Public Member Functions

 datum_flux (double frequency, double Fnu, double err, double t=0, std::string Source="")

Public Attributes

const double Fnu
 Measured flux value in Jy.
const double err
 Error in measured flux Jy.
const double frequency
 Frequency in Hz.
const double wavelength
 Wavelength in cm.
const double tJ2000
 Time since Jan 1, 2000 in s, defaults to 0.
const std::string Source
 Source identifier, defaults to " ".

Detailed Description

Defines the atomic element of the flux data class. This contains the flux with various additional accoutrements. This will be passed to all objects that require a flux data value (e.g., likelihoods) and therefore can accrete additional elements but cannot rearrange elements internally to ensure backwards compatability. Because data must never change during analysis, all elements are necessarily consts, requiring some minor gymnastics at initialization.

Define a standard for identifying additional flux information, e.g, bandwidths, instruments, etc.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: